






1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,青年项目,82001547,孕酮通过调控树突状细胞脂肪酸代谢参与母胎免疫耐受的分子机制,2021/01-2023/12,24 万元,在研,主持。
2. 深圳市自然科学基金面上项目,JCYJ20190813160809117,孕酮参与母胎界面树突状细胞免疫代谢调控的分子机制,2020/10-2023/09,10 万,在研,主持。
3. 广东省自然科学基金项目,2019A15150109,孕酮参与母胎界面 DC 代谢重塑和功能调控的分子机制,2019/10-2022/09,10 万,在研,主持。
4. 深圳市卫生和计划生育委员会博士创新项目,SZBC2018003,IDO 在复发性流产中的作用及分子机制,2018/05-2021/05,10 万,在研,主持。
5. 中华医学会临床医学科研专项资金项目,17020300699,子宫内膜树突状细胞影响反复种植失败患者妊娠结局的分子机制研究,2018/01-2019/12,15 万,结题,主持。
6. 深圳市科技创新委员会基础研究项目,JCYJ20170307140647669,子宫内膜 DC 通过 ILT4/HLA-G 通路影响反复种植失败的分子机制研究,2017/05-2020/05, 10 万,在研,主持。
1. 第一作者或通讯作者论文
(1) Su Liu, Meilan Mo, Shan Xiao, Longfei Li, Xiuyu Hu, Ling Hong, Linlin Wang, Ruochun Lian, Chunyu Huang, Yong Zeng and Lianghui Diao*. Pregnancy Outcomes of Women With Polycystic Ovary Syndrome for the First In Vitro Fertilization Treatment: A Retrospective Cohort Study With 7678 Patients. Front Endocrinol, 2020. 11:575337. doi: 10.3389/fendo.2020.575337.
(2) Su Liu, Ling Hong, Yuye Li, Ruochun Lian, Xiaohui Wang and Yong Zeng*. Association between endometrial indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression level and pregnancy outcomes in women undergoing first in vitro fertilization treatment. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth 21, 33 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12884-020-03511-9.
(3) Liu Su# , Xu Fen# , Wei Hongxia, Huang Chunyu, Chen Xian, Lian Ruochun, Zeng Yong*. The correlation of thyroid autoimmunity and peripheral and uterine immune status in women with recurrent miscarriage. J Reprod Immunol, 2020. 139:103118.
(4) Liu Su# , Wei Hongxia# , Li Yuye, Diao Lianghui, Lian Ruochun, Zhang Xu, Zeng Yong*. Characterization of dendritic cell (DC)-10 in recurrent miscarriage and recurrent implantation failure. Reproduction, 2019. 158(3): 247-255.
(5) Hongxia Wei# , Su Liu# , Ruochun Lian, Chunyu Huang, Yuye Li, Lanna Chen, Yong Zeng*. Abnormal expression of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase in human recurrent miscarriage. Reproductive Sciences, 2019. 27(8), 1656-1664. DOI: 10.1177/1933719119833788.
(6) Su Liu, Hongxia Wei, Yuye Li, Chunyu Huang, Ruochun Lian, Jian Xu, Lanna Chen, Yong Zeng*. Downregulation of ILT4(+) dendritic cells in recurrent miscarriage and recurrent implantation failure. Am J Reprod Immunol, 2018. 80(4): p. e12998.
(7) Su Liu, Lianghui Diao, Chunyu Huang, Yuye Li, Yong Zeng*, Joanne Y.H. Kwak-Kim*. The role of decidual immune cells on human pregnancy. J Reprod Immunol, 2017. 124: p. 44-53.
(8) Lian Ruochun, Wang Xiaohui, Lin Rong, Zeng Huimin, Zeng Yong, Liu Su*. Evaluation of granulocyte colony-stimulating factor on the treatment of thin endometrium during frozen-thawed embryo transfer cycles: a retrospective cohort study. Gynecol Endocrinol, 2020. 36(4): 370-374.
(9) Liu Su# , Yuan Zuanning# , Yuan Yu-Ren Adam*. Structural insights into specific crRNA G-rich sequence binding by Meiothermus ruber Cse2. J Struct Biol, 2015. 190(2):122-34.
(10) 徐士儒,刘苏*,李玉叶,陈聪,林嘉音,曾勇,不明原因复发性自然流产患者分泌期子宫内膜树突状细胞数量分析. 中华生殖与避孕,2018. 38 (2): p.89-95.
2. 既非第一作者又非通讯作者论文
(1) Xian Chen, Lianghui Diao, Ruochun Lian, Lingbin Qi, Shuyi Yu, Su Liu, Shenglai Lin, Zhigang Xue, Yong Zeng* . Potential impact of maternal vitamin D status on peripheral blood and endometrium cellular immunity in women with recurrent implantation failure. Am J Reprod Immunol, 2020. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/aji.13243.
(2) Zhang, H., C. Huang, X. Chen, L. Li, S. Liu, Y. Li, Y. Zhang, Y. Zeng, and L. Hu, The number and cytotoxicity and the expression of cytotoxicity-related molecules in peripheral natural killer (NK) cells do not predict the repeated implantation failure (RIF) for the in vitro fertilization patients. Genes Dis, 2020. 7(2): p. 283-289.
(3) Li Yuye# , Yu Shuyi# , Huang Chunyu, Lian Ruochun, Chen Cong, Liu Su, Li Longfei, Diao Lianghui, Udo Markert, Zeng Yong* . Evaluation of peripheral and uterine immune status of chronic endometritis in patients with recurrent reproductive failure. Fertil Steril, 2020. 113(1): 187-196 e181.
(4) Lianghui Diao, Songchen Cai, Chunyu Huang, Longfei Li, Shuyi Yu, Linlin Wang, Su Liu, Yuye Li* , YongZeng* . New endometrial immune cell-based score (EI-score) for the prediction of implantation success for patients undergoing IVF/ICSI. Placenta, 2020. 99, 180-188.
(5) Xian Chen, Su Liu, Qiao Tan, Yehuda Shoenfeld* , Yong Zeng* . Microbiome, autoimmunity, allergy, and helminth infection: the importance of the pregnancy period. Am J Reprod Immunol, 2017. 78(2):p. e12654.
(6) Biao Yin, Yong Zeng, Tonghua Wu, Shuyi Yu, Jian Xu, Su Liu, Lianghui Diao, Zhenfu Zhao, Desheng Liang* , Yuye Li* . Functional properties of peripheral CD8(+) T cells in patients with repeated implantation failure. Am J Reprod Immunol, 2017. 78(2):p. e12654.
(7) Tay Melanie, Liu Su, Yuan Yu-Ren Adam*. Crystal structure of Thermobifida fusca Cse1 reveals target DNA binding site. Protein Sci, 2014. 24(2):236-45.
(1) 2019 年 6 月 12 日,美国,大急流城,美国生殖免疫年会,大会墙报,题目: Progesterone regulates dendritic cell function and metabolism during pregnancy.
(2) 2018 年 8 月 29 日,丹麦,奥尔堡,欧洲生殖免疫年会,口头汇报,题目:Impaired peripheral blood HLA-G+ T cells are associated with recurrent miscarriage and recurrent implantation failure.
(3) 2018 年 6 月 28 日,中国,上海,美国生殖免疫年会,口头汇报,题目: The role of dendritic cells in human pregnancy.
(4) 2017 年 9 月 17 日,美国,芝加哥,美国生殖免疫年会,大会墙报,题目:Detailed analysis of natural killer cell cytotoxicity and Th1-related cytokines before and after lymphocyte immunotherapy in patients with unexplained recurrent miscarriage.


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